UAT Pro Version 156.01 | With Login [ GCT PACK ] | 2024

Mister Repack

UAT Pro Version 156.01 | With Login [ GCT PACK ] | 2024

Hey everyone! Today, I've got something exciting to share with you all. It's about a tool that's incredibly useful in the market. I'm talking about the UAT Pro Tool 156.01. Usually, you'd have to pay for it in the GCT pack, but thanks to our friend Ram Sevak, who has cracked the security, we can now get all its features for free. So, let's dive into what this tool can do and how you can use it.

UAT Pro Version 156.01 | With Login [ GCT PACK ] | 2024

Features of UAT Pro Tool:

Let's break down what you can do with this tool:

  1. Qualcomm Services: Perform various operations like reading info, resetting FRP, formatting, and more.
  2. Qualcomm Flasher: Flash different Qualcomm devices with ease.
  3. MediaTek Services: Similar operations as Qualcomm but for MediaTek devices.
  4. Samsung Services: A wide range of functions from removing FRP to flashing.
  5. Xiaomi Services: Includes functions like resetting FRP and unlocking bootloaders for Xiaomi devices.
  6. And many more services for Huawei, Motorola, LG, and others.

What's New in Version 156.01:

The latest update brings several enhancements, especially for MediaTek devices. Now you can perform tasks like resetting FRP, formatting, flashing, and bootloader unlocking without needing test points for certain Vivo chipsets.

How to Install and Use:

  1. Download the tool and extract it to your desired location.
  2. Install the setup on your computer.
  3. Run the "PROJECT_FOR_SHREE_RAM.exe" file.
  4. Click on "RAM RAM JI" and then select "UAT PRO" from the options.
  5. Enter the provided email and password to log in.
  6. Once logged in, connect your device and start using the tool.


  1. The tool is provided for educational purposes only.
  2. Usage of the tool for any illegal activities is strictly prohibited.
  3. The developers and distributors of this tool are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by its usage.
  4. Always ensure that you have proper authorization before performing any actions on a device.
  5. Use the tool at your own risk.
  6. By using the tool, you agree to adhere to these terms and conditions.

Info. Details
Software Name: UAT Pro Version 156.01
Version: 2024
Password: Free
File Size: 60. MB
Files Hosted By:

Login Details:

User Name:


With the UAR Tool Version 156.01, phone unlocking and servicing become accessible to everyone. Thanks to Ram Sevak, we can now enjoy these features without paying a penny. So, if you're looking to unlock or service your device, this tool has got you covered.

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